Kenya Lewis Kenya Lewis

Unleashing Your Leadership Potential

Ever thought about how your mindset, skills, and tools play a huge role in the value you bring to your organization and the folks you lead? In this blog I’m speaking directly to my leaders and highlighting five killer ways you can dial up your impact and really let your leadership shine. No fluff, just practical tips. Let's dive in!

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Kenya Lewis Kenya Lewis

The Art of Contribution

Art can be expressed in so many different ways, right down to the magic you add to the lives of those around you. One of the things I believe wholeheartedly is that we are here to connect, create, and contribute alongside those around us.

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Kenya Lewis Kenya Lewis

Unleasing The Power Of The Mind

Do you ever find yourself amazed by the incredible achievements of others who seem to effortlessly accomplish their goals? From well-known athletes breaking records to successful entrepreneurs revolutionizing industries, there is often a common denominator: a powerful and focused mind.

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Kenya Lewis Kenya Lewis

Be True to You

The landscape for how women are showing up in the workplace is changing and it couldn’t be more necessary. For far too long, women have taken the position of assimilating to environmental expectations within the workplace but those times are coming to an end.

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Kenya Lewis Kenya Lewis

Unveiling The Taboo

Conversations surrounding salary and earnings have consistently been avoided and hushed in the workplace. This cultural norm is perpetuated by a variety of factors, ultimately resulting in inequities and disparities among how professionals earn.

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Kenya Lewis Kenya Lewis

The Trap Of Self-Judgment

In today's world, the pressure to present a polished, flawless version of ourselves is greater than ever. But why do we feel the need to present ourselves as perfect?

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Kenya Lewis Kenya Lewis

Authentically You

In today's world, the pressure to present a polished, flawless version of ourselves is greater than ever. But why do we feel the need to present ourselves as perfect?

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Kenya Lewis Kenya Lewis

What a World…

I’m always asking others about the things that light them up. There is something about understanding the things we are called to do and then following that path toward a fulfilled life.

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Kenya Lewis Kenya Lewis

The Gift of Clarity

Women are tired of letting their dreams sit on the back burner. They have visions of working for their purpose, living life on their terms, and building generational wealth for their families, but it feels out of reach, and they can’t see what steps they need to take to get there.

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Kenya Lewis Kenya Lewis

Aligning to Your Purpose

How do you know what your purpose is? In truth, getting clarity on your purpose doesn’t require much time, nor does it require a lot of external analysis.

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