Be True to You

Creating a Safe Space for Authenticity in the Workplace

The landscape for how women are showing up in the workplace is changing and it couldn’t be more necessary. For far too long, women have taken the position of assimilating to environmental expectations within the workplace but those times are coming to an end. Women are realizing that in simply going along with the norm, they are giving up their voice, their authenticity, the unique perspective and set of skills and experiences that only they can bring to the organization, and it is leaving them feeling disconnected. 


Authenticity is the cornerstone of personal and professional growth but what does true authenticity mean? It’s being willing to show up with your quirks and not having to apologize for it but rather embracing this side of you in whatever setting you are in.

It means not assimilating but rather bringing your own unique way of doing things to the table. When professional women feel safe to embrace their true selves, it enables them to contribute their unique perspectives, skills, and talents which in turn helps improve the spaces they’re in and their confidence to soar.



So is showing up with confidence that easy? Many times there is the idea that confidence should be present among seasoned professionals, however, confidence is not something that is simply inherent. Confidence is a result of building the muscle of showing up courageously in spaces that feel uncomfortable and having the willingness to persist through them to the other side. It’s taking the lessons learned during those challenging moments and putting them to work for you as you continue your walk forward. Having the courage to show up authentically, without fear of being judged for your differences, creates a powerful dynamic where you give yourself permission to share your uniqueness with the world unapologetically.



The workplace is not just a physical space; it is also an emotional landscape. Creating a safe environment for professional women fosters emotional well-being and mental health. When women feel safe, respected, and supported, they experience reduced stress levels and increased job satisfaction. This, in turn, leads to higher retention rates, improved performance, and enhanced overall productivity.



Building connections with their colleagues based on mutual respect and shared goals is another way in which women can create supportive networks that allow them to flourish in their work and in the workspace. Within these networks, women can feel safe and empowered to be their authentic selves which allows them to grow both personally and professionally.  



Creating a safe and empowering space for professional women to show up authentically is not only essential but it is crucial for the success and growth of individuals, organizations, and society as a whole. By encouraging courageousness, nurturing emotional well-being, and fostering collaboration, we pave the way for professional women to thrive, achieve their full potential, and inspire others to do the same. Let’s continue to empower women to avoid the inclination to assimilate but rather to show up as their most authentic selves, sharing their best work with the world.



Unleasing The Power Of The Mind


Unveiling The Taboo