In today’s world, being yourself can be one of the most challenging things that people face. It is often times not recognized as being enough, and even less so as more than enough.

There are so many ideas of what someone is “supposed” to be that often times, we can lose sight of who it is that we most want to be.

YOU can decide NOW that you are AMAZING living fully as who you are!! Don’t allow thoughts of lack or inadequacy to hold you back from going for the things that make you happy.

There is no standard by which your capacity to be amazing is measured against someone else’s. We all have an equal opportunity to stand up and shine our light.

What are you choosing to be???


New Beginnings

The beginnings of things are always unknown. They are always the space where, although ready to jump, there is still trepidation and hesitancy. How we approach these times can show a lot about our own willingness to embrace the things we have put out into the universe as a desire and are coming back as a manifestation. 

AFFIRMATION: Today, I embrace the new journey I am embarking on. There is much to learn here, and I intend to lean into it fully.

Rest and Reflection

I learned many years ago that allowing myself time to reset was absolutely necessary in my life. We are so programmed to go and go but when do we allow ourselves time to rest?

Time to look back over all we have accomplished and say good job, before plowing on to the next. Time to regain perspective and become even more clear how we intend to move forward. I have accepted my time to reset as a gift. I fully embrace the opportunity and enjoy the awareness I find in these moments of rest and reflection. As I sit now, taking time to reset, I breathe in new life. I soak up the rays of even brighter horizons. I embrace the new me I am becoming. Do you allow yourself time to reset, recharge and reemerge?

PONDERING THOUGHT: What practices do you find critical for you when you notice you need a break from taking action?